Thursday 3 November 2011

A HUGE update!

I am back on!!!  I am sorry for not writing for so long!!   I got caught up in school and haven't known where to start in writing to you all! I am now a little more than a quarter into the school year!

There have been some rough patches, both with my adjusting, and with the kids adjusting to me, although I think we have finally achieved some balance here!  I love the kids, I think that they are great, although I don't think they're great, necessarily, due to behavior.  This seems to still be a work in progress!  They just won't be quiet!!

The kids are from all over Latin America and the States, a few from Asia.  They all have so much personality!! The sixth grade is a smaller class, they all seem to get along well and are respectful. The 7th grade seems to be in the process of learning to respect, they have the most nationals in the class, and are rowdy!  And the 8th grade is intelligent, SOCIAL, and creative!

Today we just finished up with an Independence day fair for Panama.  This is the day of Independence from Columbia.  It started with tipico celebrations, the national anthem, and then a bunch of dancing that the spanish class put together.  Following we had a family fun fair.  I had the 8th graders who put together two booths.  One was called "go fish" 1 ticket to catch fish with your hands and the second booth was called the "Mystery Booth"  otherwise known as the prank booth.  3 tickets to buy a prank (a pie or water gun) for someone.  We had to bring them to the booth though!

It was a fun day I would say!  I am sure I have so much more to write, but I think i am going to stop with this one for now!

Love you all!

Wednesday 24 August 2011



It's been a while and I am sorry!  I am now understanding what  a learning curve is!  Not that I wasn't expecting it but I am now experiencing it!  And yes, right now, I should probably be working on some lesson planning rather than writing to you all, but, well, maybe I need a break, or maybe I am procrastinating, or maybe I just figured out what I wanted to write!  Who knows?!

Anyways, I have been busy, we did get a short break for Fundacion de Panama (just like American kids...most had no idea why they had this day off!...yes, they do now).   The teachers chose to take a night and a day, on this longer weekend, to go to Isla Grande, it was beautiful!   I got to snorkel for the first time and see reefs.  It was painful getting to them because it was so shallow, however, once there the reefs were beautiful.. And then following the reef, the vast ocean, the reef is like a wall that just drops off into the that point I wanted to go and turn around at the same time....did you know there are sharks on that part of the ocean?!!!

Well, Isla Grande was wonderful and now we are truly  into the school year, only 2 more weeks until parent conferences and the half way mark for the quarter....I would say I have some amount of anxiety, but I think I have an appreciation for the anxiety, I don't enjoy it, but at least it reveals to me that I do care, care about doing well, doing right by the children and the parents!

We had our weekly meeting today, and it ended with my staying late to speak with the director about biblical integration.  this piece has made me nervous, and excited all at the same time. Excited, because I have freedom to speak about my faith, but also nervous, because the way I exercise and speak of Christ may look very different than my students and their families.  I am learning some big things about myself and my faith through this expectation to integrate the Bible into one lesson a week.
1.  I am a peace maker, I always have been, so this may be part of why I really love discussion formats in a classroom.  I can let everyone have an opportunity to voice their thoughts.  However, this needs to be done carefully in a middle school classroom!  It can be good for them, however, they also just need to know the facts and they need to listen!
2.  This is also part of my faith, I have spent many years critiquing my faith and others',, discussing it, and tearing it apart.  Now, (although I am in a trusting, grounded place with Christ) I have a hard time articulating all of the different facets of what I believe in a clear and articulate way.
3.  I believe Christ as Creator, Father, and Healer, ( the most recent characteristics that He has revealed to me of Himself) but breaking this down into teachable moments at this point is difficult for me, my faith has become very personal and it comes with a lot of discussion.
4.  I am finding that it is difficult for me to "preach"/ teach to an audience about Christ, in a simple way.  I believe this is a result of how personal my own faith and reasons for belief have become while journeying with Him.  It is challenging to be placed in a role where I am now instructing, teaching youth on God's character when I sense that I still have so much to learn and trust in!

So, in this my prayer is that, "Lord, You would grant me wisdom and knowledge, gift me with your ability to teach and love these children with Your love.   To speak with humility, truth, and confidence. Christ I ask that these children would hear what You desire for them rather than what may always come out of my mouth.  And I ask that they would know You in an intimate way, the way that You desire to be known by them, as opposed to the way I, or the way their parents may desire them to know You".

So, as of today, I guess that this is where I am at.  Tomorrow (my one integration for the week) I talk about the knight's code of chivalry, 4 cardinal virtues, and 1 Peter, Holy Living.

A heavier topic today....

with love to you all!  Rebecca

Monday 8 August 2011



I don't know if you can understand just how happy this makes me!!!

That means, that I might be able to do some work at home tonight, and google the collection of thoughts that I have had all weekend, because, I have ...or at least had...., lots of time to indulge my curiousity!  It means that hopefully I can get lots of work done tonight and uploaded, and maybe have time to call my mom before she goes to sleep at 5 tomorrow!

Wow, I have never had a very strong connection to the internet, google, facebook, gmail etc. but now, being so far from everyone I absolutely do!!!  Well, I probably shouldn't stay on long, because I have lots to do tonight (in terms of school work) but I desperately wanted to share my excitement!!

Friday 5 August 2011

The first Day of Class

It has begun!  Wonderful children, and lots of work! :)  I must say that I am happy for some time this weekend to do a good job of preparing for next week, but I am rather enjoying, yes,  even the early wake up hour!  Yesterday were introductions, today they students got their syllabus and books.  I learned a new term last night called 3rd generation culture.  It is true of many of my students.  Many of the Students at Crossroads have 2 parents from 2 very different cultures.  These cultures have synthesized and created my now student, who is growing up in a totally different culture from what is native to his or her parents. 

And the rest of the week....well, I'm watching a bit of Whoopi Goldberg....Sister Act.  I have befriended a wonderful cat named Tic-Toc, he greats us at the door, in and out, of course close to dinner time.... and we found a puppy across the road, whom I want to adopt, unfortunately he looks like he might be owned, he just may have worms (most likely) and a bum leg! 

Well I miss you all lots and lots!  I'll write more soon, I know I am leaving out some things that I had wanted to tell and my short-term memory! 

Sunday 31 July 2011

Panamanianisms...a glossary of sorts

1.  Panamanians don't go out in the rain!  (A full Sunday 7/31/11)
 2.  Car language, involving the horn, which we learned on the causeway: (A Full Sunday 7/31/11)
  1. beep, bip, bip, beep, bip -- this means: "hi, look at me, I'm over here, how are you?...maybe I'm       "hitting" on you...are you interested?
  2. Beeeeep -- MOVE, Your in my way!
  3. bip, bip --- Do you want a ride? ---usually a taxi
  4. bip, bip -- thank you
3.  Many traditional Panamanians do not go immediately from something cold to something hot (A full Sunday 7/31/11)

A full Sunday

Today was my first day of church in the area.  The church that I attended was Crossroad Bible Church.  It was good, not home, but everyone here is so friendly!  An amazing story was told today in church, though.  A family here, originally from Columbia, has just recently moved permanently to Guinea.  The reason that this story is so impressive, the family has asked the church to STOP giving to them!  Pastor Steve, started out this story with a story from scripture, Exodus (I believe chapter 35), here the Israelites had been building the tabernacle and the community had been so giving that they had exceeded what was needed for the making of the tabernacle, in fact, they had much too much.  As a result Moses told the community to stop giving.  I have NEVER heard of anyone telling a community to stop giving!  I must say that I am impressed with this family!

And so after church!  Today was beautiful, sunny all day!  So I went for a walk....a fairly long hour or so... to El Club de Equitacion Club Clayton---I found some horses!  Of course, they were closed :(  But I found some!  The club is closed, as are most establishments on Sundays, so I will need to find another day to visit and hopefully, they'll like me and let me in on a more regular basis!   I am thinking a riding club for the school?.... :) 

Well, after walking all the way to the club, I caught a taxi home, it was nice to not be slightly nervous, while walking, of crocodiles!  I have yet to see any crocodiles, however, I heard that they were an issue last year, they scare me!  On my walk out, I found myself leaning away from any small creek, pond, or sewer!

The rest of the day, I worked on lesson planning, and I feel I was relatively productive!  Had dinner with Abby and Cheryl, and came home.  We have a new teacher arriving tomorrow morning at 1, in the morning.  And we are still in search of a music teacher...if anyone knows of someone who would like to teach in Panama!

Well, the days are getting earlier, tomorrow I arrive at school at 8, soon it will be much closer to 6:30, on that note, I think it may be nearing my bed time!

One Full Week

So, I am thinking that there will be an added post called: Rebecca's Panamanianisms .....I'll probably just edit it throughout the year!

So my first one:  Panamanians don't go out in the rain!
Mind you it IS warm out here, I have yet to experience temperatures below 70.  Most likely they don't go out because it IS their winter.   But I like being outside as you all know!  So yesterday, Cheryl (my roommate), Abby (the 4th grade teacher), and I all went for a walk on the causeway.  We returned SOAKED!  Our shoes are still wet today from Saturday.....we don't keep our apartment too cold! 

So, the causeway is a walkway that has been built to connect three islands on the Pacific side of the canal.  The causeway, so I have learned was built using all of the land that was dug up in building the canal.  And if you did not know, they are planning on expanding the canal for larger ships in the next couple of years!

Some more Panamanianisms:  Car language, involving the horn, which we learned on the causeway:

1.  beep, bip, bip, beep, bip -- this means: "hi, look at me, I'm over here, how are you?...maybe I'm hitting on you...are you interested?
2.  Beeeeep -- MOVE, Your in my way!
3.  bip, bip --- Do you want a ride? ---usually a taxi
4.  bip, bip -- thank you

And then today at church, I learned about a "superstition":  Many traditional Panamanians do not go immediately from something cold to something hot.  For example, if you are cooking over the stove, one would NOT go to the refrigerator to grab something for dinner.  For this reason, many Panamanians have 2 maids.  One who only works with hot things, such as the ironing and cooking, and one who works with the cold things, such as the refrigerator, or maybe washing the floors.  Interesting huh?